
Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015

Art by Miran DT Call

This year I saw the first time digitalstamps from Art by Miran. The stamps are so cute and I love the big eyes also the manga art. The digitalstamps are great, I like, that I get two images, one is jpg and the other png... So I can play with different sizes and can learn a lot to color. I am a student by Alyce Keegan and learn much to color picture... I love color since my childhood. Today is coloring a relaxing time in a busy world :)

Today I worked with Lady Penelope. This time I still to practice with my Inktense from Derwent (is an Aquarell pencil) at the first picture and at the second I practice with Spectrum Noir Markers.

colored with Derwent Inktense

CAS with Spectrum Noir

I want to say THANKS a lot to Vanessa and Mi Ran Jung for all the amazing digistamps and as well the great digitalpaper. The next project will be Vaelnetin with the gorgeous "With Love" package :)

I wish you a  blessing christmas and a creative new year 2016...

 Hugs Ute

older work with Art by Miran stamps:




Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015

#36 Winter

Heute startet die neue Herausforderung bei...
Today starts the new challenge by..
bastel-traum/ Blog

 Es geht diesmal um das Thema Winter.
This times runs the theme winter.
 Ich freue mich Eure Werke auf unseren Challenge Blog zu bestaunen...
 I can't wait to see more inspirations from you.
Für diese Karte habe ich wieder einmal einen alten Stempel gesucht. Der Stempel mit den niedlichen Pinguinen ist von Penny Black und heisst "Mimis Christmas".Die sind so niedlich... Nicht wahr...? Ich habe diese Freunde mit Dewent Inktense ausgemalt, den Hintergrund habe ich mit Distress Ink gestaltet und mit einen weissen Gelpen. Das Sentiment ist von dem Stempelset von Create a Smile "Hey Quatschkopf".
Here I uesed an old stamp from Penny Black, called "Mimis Christmas". I like the Penguin dudes :) They are so cute... Isn't it? I colored the friends with Dewent Inktense pencils, the background I used Distress inks and a white Gelpen. The sentiment are from Create a Smile ""Hey Quatschkopf"and means we miss you...

Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

Lawn Fawn Anhänger/ Tag

Einen Geschenkanhänger kann man immer wieder gebrauchen, vor allem zu Weihnachten, wenn es für die gesamte Familie Geschenke gibt :)
A tag can you need every time for gifts. At christmas time you have presents for your family so it is easy to see, who is the package :)

Zur Challenge bei Lawn Fawn habe ich natürlich ein passendes Stempelset benutzt "Making frosty firends" Ist das nicht niedlich....?
For this challenge I used  Lawn Fawn stamp set "Making frosty friends". Isn't it cute...? 

I used: 
*mini tag and heart die (Lawn Fawn "stichted Journaling card")
*Dewent Inktense for coloring

bei folgender Challenge nehme ich teil:


Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015

in meiner Abwesenheit

...gestern war ich auf Arbeit. Meine Tochter (11J.) wollte Weihnachtskarten basteln, sie fragte mich, ob sie einen Stempel ausleihen kann. Ich sagte ja, aber bitte reinige ihn gut. Meine Tochter war hocherfreut und machte ihre Karten. Als ich nach Hause kam, stellte ich fest, dass sie diese an meinen Arbeitstisch gebastelt hat. Ihre Karten sind wunderschön geworden :)
Yesterday, I was work (late shift). My daugther (11yr)want to craft christmas cards and she ask me, if she can use my stamps. I said yes, but please darling clean it. My daugther was glad to hear this and made two cards. I am came home late, on my desk was an chaos, but on the top there are two amazing cards :) 


 Sie hatte mehrere Stempel genommen und auch gut gereinigt, aber ...? Wo ist denn nur? Ein Stempel fehlte, ich räumte den Tisch auf, nirgends... Auch das noch, der zweite Magnet zu meinen Misti fehlt... Den klitzekleinen Vogelstempel fand ich auf dem Boden, sehr robust der Kleine, war sicher mit dem Bürostuhl darüber gefahren... Weiter Suchen... hmmm, auf der Suche nach dem Magnet, warum ist denn dieser verschwunden? Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit fand ich diesen in meiner Stanzenaufbewahrung, er hatte es sich gemütlich gemacht auf einer Stanze und lächelte mich an... 
She used diverse stamps and she cleaned it very good, but... Where is the little birdstamp from Lawn Fawn Set Making frosty friends? I missed it, I clean my desk, but I can't fint it... Oh no, I saw, that the second magnet from my Misti is gone too... I found my bird stamp man the floor, I am sure that I rolled with my office chair over them, but the little one is robust :) Where is the magnet? After hours, no it was only a feeling... I found the magnet in my Die Storage, he was sleeping well on a big Die :)

Rezept: Sie benutzte ihre eigenen Farbstifte/ Pencils und Gamsol. Zudem benutzte sie folgende Stempelsets: Lawn Fawn Making frosty friends und MFT Toasty Greetings und Create a Smile Aus dem Hut gezaubert.

Sonntag, 15. November 2015

#35 Glitzer/ Glitter

Heute startet die neue Herausforderung bei...
Today starts the new challenge by..
 Es geht diesmal um das Thema Glitzer.
This times runs the theme glitter.
 Ich freue mich Eure Werke auf unseren Challenge Blog zu bestaunen...
 I can't wait to see more inspirations from you.

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Lawnscaping "to cute to spook"

Lawnscaping Challenges

I made my card for this challenge. Do you know what for an animal hidden under the cap?

I painted the cap by myself, stamped this cute animal, colored it and cut it out... I create a background with stencils, Distress ink and shabby white embossing enamel... The sentiment is from Altenew's set "Ori Kami"

I wish you all a great week, see you soon :)

Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Altenew Painted Butterflies

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.

 Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....
"Painted Butterflies" 

Here is my card... I used Altenew ink and a brown ink from an other company.

Altenew Watercolor Wonders with Lacy Scrolls

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.


Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....
 I didn't have the "Watercolor Wonder" stamp set, so I made my own Inspiration with the stamp set "Lacy Scrolls"

 I used my Spectrum AQUA pens to color directly on the stamp, after then I used water to made the color wet... I need the same pens for made a little details..

Altenew Vintage Roses

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.
 Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....
"Vintage Roses"

Here I made a Tag, with the Roses Set from Altenew. I used the inks from the same company and my Glitterpen....

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Altenew Vintage Flowers

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.

Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....

"Vintage Flowers"

Here you can see the an other card too :) 
Here I used the stamp set from Altenew. For inking I used Altenew "Red Cosmos"(red one), "Summer aqfternoon" (yellow one) and "Green Fields", for dots I used gold embossing. This Sentiment is from Paper Smooches "Pretty Phrases".

Altenew Layered Lily

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.

Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....

"Layered Liliy"

Here you can see the an other card too :) 

Here I used the stamp set from Altenew. For inking I used Lawn Fawn Ink (for dots freshy cut grass/celery stick, for flowers mermaid/peacock/fish tank/deep sea).

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015

#34 Herbst/ Fall

Heute startet die neue Herausforderung bei...
Today starts the new challenge by...
 Es geht diesmal um das Thema Herbst.
This times runs the theme fall.
 Ich freue mich Eure Werke auf unseren Challenge Blog zu bestaunen...
 I can't wait to see more inspirations from you.

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

Deanna's Digi DT for October

wooohooo... this months I am in the DT from Deanne. She is an new artist for making Digitalstamps. They are only available in Facebook, at this time.  This month is  Breast Cancer Awareness month. So I made this card and wish blessing to all womens. 
This is my inspiration for you

I want to give this card as a gift
if you have fun on this card or you will be made a friend a pleasure, so you can contact me in my comments and I will randomly choose a winner October /31./2015. 


I color this image with Spectrum Noir (SN) and with Copics (C).
skin SN FS2, FS4, TN3, TN4/ hair EB2, TN2,TN3/ ribbon CRV91,RV93,RV95/ eyes Prismacolor
 I used Digitalpaper from Whimsy Romance and emblisments. This is an shabby chick card Design with Enamel Embossing Pulver and I used my Glitterpen, too.

Thanks for visiting my blog. If you have questions please feel free to ask my.

Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Crafts and me DT Call for Facebook

Crafts and me made a DT Call in Facebook and this is my entry...

Whimsical Winter Digistamp

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Altenew Painted Flowers

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.


Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations....

"Painted Flowers"

Here I used the satmp set from Altenew. For inking I used Lawn Fawn Ink (for leaves freshy cut grass/noble fir, for flowers wild rose/lobster,/ juice box) and sequins.

Altenew Whimscal flowers

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.


Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations.... 

"Whimsical Flowers"

Here I used the stampset from Altenew and my ink from Lawn Fawn (for the leave celery stick, for flowers fake tan, pumkin spice) and for the dots I used Ombrè Pool to Navy from Hero Arts. I used shabby white embossing enamel for an alt card effect also Distress Ink von Ranger.

Altenew scribbled flowers

Altenew made the first course, called "All about Layering". It is free.


Here I want to share my cards from the course inspirations.... 

"scribbled flowers"

I used the stamp set "scribbled flowers" with my Lawn Fawn ink (fish tank/ deap sea for the flowers and celery stick/ freshly cut grass for the leaves). Than I used Kaiser Mist spray for accents and sequins.

Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

DLMulsow's October Digi Design Team

Deanna is an artist for making Digistamps and made a call in Facebook. I wrote her and she send me this amazing girl for coloring. So I made this card with Selah, it is the name of the girl.

Deanna L Mulsow "Selah"
my color recipe for this card:

Skin: Spectrum Noir: FS2, FS4, FS9, TN3 and FS8
Top: Copics: YR07, YR04, Y38, Y35
Jeans: Spectrum Noir: TB9, TB8, TB4 and a little piece of Jeans fabric and alcohol for texture, also a white Gelpen
Shoe: Spectrum Noir: EB2, GB1 and I think a warm ligth greytone for made a little shadow, I used Glitterpen gold for shining 
Hair: Spectrum Noir: EB8, EB6, EB3, EB2
Blooms: white Gelpen and Prismacolor  
Eyes:  Spectrum Noirs: EB2, DG2, CG3 and a white Gelpen

for the lips I used some mixed colors in red, but I can't remember which one, sorry :) I used also a few Prisma Color for details. 

Dienstag, 15. September 2015

#33Thanks/ Danke

Heute startet die neue Herausforderung bei...
Today starts the new challenge by...
 Es geht diesmal um das Thema DANKE.
This times runs the theme THANKS.
 Ich freue mich Eure Werke auf unseren Challenge Blog zu bestaunen...
I can't wait to see more inspirations from you...
Ich mag Eulen, wie auch andere Tiere. Diese Eule fand ich bei Jane's Doodles. Mit meinen Prismastiften habe ich die Eule ausgemalt. Den Hintergrund habe ich mit dem Federn aus dem selben Stempelset, wie die Eule hergestellt. Das Sentiment ist ebenfalls ein Stempelset von dieser Firma.
I like owls and other animals. This owl is from  Jane's Doodle. I colored this image with my Prismacolors. The background I made it with the feathers from the owl stamp set :) The sentiments are also  from the same company.

Sonntag, 16. August 2015

üben, üben und nochmals üben :)

Ich habe schon seit einer Weile Copics, Spectrum Noir (da günstiger und mit Copics zusammen benutzbar), Spectrum Noir AQUA und die Spectrum Noir Pencils... Mal arbeite ich mit den einen, mal mit den anderen und manchmal benutze ich verschiedene zusammen.

Image Art by Miran
Diesen Digistamp gibts zu der laufenden FB Challenge von Art by Miran. Das Notizzettelchen, habe ich selbst gestaltet.... 

Heute hatte ich nochmals das schöne kühle Sommerwetter genutzt, um eine zweite Karte zu basteln...

Bild von Make it Crafty
Bei beiden Karten habe ich die Spectrum Noir und die Copic Stifte benutzt. 

Meine Karte macht bei der Challenge MIC "Cropped" mit.

Samstag, 15. August 2015

#32 Farbchallenge/ Colorscheme

Heute startet die neue Herausforderung bei...
Today starts the new challenge by...

Es geht diesmal um das Thema Farbe, aber nicht irgentwelche, sondern ein Schema, welches uns vorgegeben ist. Das Ziel ist etwas mit diesen Farben zu gestalten.
This times runs the theme color, but not any color is allowed. Our target is create something with this colors.

Wunderschöne Farben, aber es war gar nicht so einfach für mich... Ich freue mich Eure Werke auf unseren Challenge Blog zu bestaunen...
Beautiful colors, but it wasn't so easy for me... I can't wait to see more inspirations from you...

Hier trifft Altenew (Hennah Elements) auf Your next stamp (Sticky Note)... Coloriert habe ich diese Karte mit den Spectrum Noir Pencils. 
Here meets Altenew (Hennah Elements) auf Your next stamp (Sticky Note)... I to color with my Spectrum Noir Pencils.

Samstag, 25. Juli 2015

Little Miss Muffet "Happy Day"

This really cool Digistamp is from LMMS and fits to the Summer...

I colored this image with my SN pens... This sentiment is from Altenew "Hennah Elements".

Color Combination:
Skin: FS4, FS3, TN3, TN4
pink: LV2, PP6, PP4
green: CG4, CG3, LY3
glasses IB1 and irRESISTible clear
hair: EB8, EB3, TN3
suitcase: GB8, EB8, EB3, TN3
add pearls to the ears... 

Christmas in July

Here is another Challenge "christmas in July" by Spectrum noir :)
It is better to beginn early enougth to made christmas cards... Than you can send it timely... 

This cute Digistamp is from Make it crafty
and the carddesign is from MFT Bluesprint no.15 ...

"You are unique" Sentiment is from Paper Smooches "Swanky Snowdudes"...

green: CG4, CG3, CG1
red: DR5, DR2, CR8
skin: FS4, FS3, TN3, TN4
eye: EB2, TB2
brown (clothes/ shoes): GB11, GB8, EB2
hair: EB8, EB3, TN3

art by Miran, Vanessas Birthday

This wonderful Digitalstamp was a gift, because Vanessa celebrate her birthday and she is one of the DT by art by Miran... 
I want to say thank you for this great stamp and this is my inspiration :)

I colored this cute girl with my SN pens...
Skin: FS4, FS3, TN3, TN4
Hair: TN2, EB2, EB6
green: CG3, CG1
red: FL2, CR8
violett: LV2, LV1
eyes: EB2, CG1.... SN AQUA Details