

DT Whimsy Treasure Design Team

I started in March 2017 by Whimsy Stamps at the Digital New Release DT. There I made 4-5 cards per month. 
I am so excited about the new challenge from 2022, even if I have to plan well. In this team we will show the treasures of Whimsy Stamps. For this, I get a treasure box and with it I may craft 6 cards per month or even more. I am already quite curious about this journey and experiences, which I can make here. THANKS Whimsy Stamps

DT bastel-traum:

Seit Januar 2013 bin ich aktiv im Design-Team von bastel-traum. Hier koordiniere ich den Blog und die Challenges. An jedem 15. des Monats startet eine neue Herausforderung mit tollen Gewinnen. Na, auch Lust einmal etwas zu gewinnen oder etwas Spezielles mit Papier zu werkeln? Ich freue mich sehr über jede Person, welche ihre Inspirationen mit uns teilt und sage schon im Voraus 
Vielen DANK :)
Since January 2013 I am a part in the Design-Team from bastel-traum. as coordinator or administrator.  Every month on 15th you can find a new challenge with great wins... Do you have fun to be create anything? I am glad to see you and your lovely work.. and I say
 THANK you so much :)


ehemalige / old Design-Team

Vor ein paar Jahren lernte ich Francine (1001 cartes/ Blog) kennen, welche mich für ein DT anfragte. Ich war hoch erfreut, aber ich hatte meine Zweifel, sah ich die tollen Werke der anderen. Vielen Dank für Deinen Support und Deine Freundschaft. Nun ich wagte es und mein erster Blog nannte sich Challenge up your life, welcher leider Ende 2012 eine Pause für längere Zeit machte.
A few years before I meet Francine (1001 cartes/Blog) and she ask me for the DT. I am glad to hear it, but I had doubt, because I saw all the amazing work from designer in Cardmaking... Francine give me suport and a friendship. I want to say THANK you so much :) I started with my first DT experience with Challenge up you life, this blog closed end of 2012 for a long break.

Jan.-Dec. 2012 all 2 weeks

DT Art by Miran 

Ich war im Designteam bei Art by Miran vom Januar 2016 bis Ende Februar 2017 (Blog ist geschlossen).  Ich hatte jeweils zwei Karten pro Monat gemacht. Danke vielmals für die Möglichkeit.
I was in the DT from Art by Miran from Januray 2016- end of February 2017,(the Blog closed the doors). I made every month two cards for this great company :) Thanks for the opportunity.

Facebook Fanpage:

DT Vilda Challenge Blog (closed)

1th of October 2016- July 2017 ....

DT Scrappers Deligths New Releases

I was in the DT from Mai 2016- August 2018

I have to made two cards every month, one for the Inspiration and Reminder Challenge and one for the New Release Challenge...

Paper Craft Blog
Challenge Blog
Stores:Scrapper's Delights Own Store…
Scrapper's Delights FB Fan Group
Scrapper's Delights Paper Craft FB Fan Page

DT Whimsy New Release and inspiration (Digital stamps)

I am so excited, that I am a part from the Digital stamps DT from Whimsy...  The new Release Date will be mostly on the beginning from the month and I will prepare a few projects with the great new stuff :)
I started on the March 1st 2017-31.12.2021 
click here/ blog

DT Magengo Design Digital stamps and dies

What for a pleasure I am a part of the wonderful new stamp company. So I can choose to make 1 or more projects per month in this DT. So I am proud to play with all the stuff. I started in January 2020...June 2023

click here to the shop


I was Spotlight GD for January 2020... SO I made a lot of cards for every Wednesday Challenge. It was so much fun.


I was GD in October 2015 by Deanna Muslow (Digistamp ade by herself).

I was a part from the Lawnscaping FALL Blog Hop 2012

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