
Dienstag, 15. März 2016

Einladungen/ Invitations

Zur Einladung verschiedener Gäste zu einen Geburtstagsfeste hatte ich den Auftrag ein paar Karten zu basteln... Zeit hatte ich eigentlich keine... Es war lustig, all die kleinen Karten anzufertigen...
We need a lot of invitationcard and I had an enquiery to made this... I hadn't al lot of time... to made all the cards was amusing...

this was one of the first card I made...

...and a few more of the other card I made
...but I decide me for an other background

...after I was finished, I was enquired again, can you made more cards please?
So now I am finish and all the cards sent out... It was a challenge to me to this all to the same time.. I had only a few hours...

I used the brid stamps from the retired stamp company The Alley Way stamps... "bird of a feather" and "bird brain"...

2 Kommentare:

  1. Einfach GENIAL deine Karten! Der Hintergrund und die Vögelchen.. einfach klasse!
    Liebe Grüße
