
Sonntag, 11. Juni 2017

Kit and Clowder monthly course May2017

I bought in the last month new pencils, a crafter can't have enough pencils, or? My hubby can't understand me, but....

So now I am the owner from 3 different pencil sets:

1. Polychromos from Farben Castell (120, Woodcase collection)
2. Luminance from Caran D' Ache (76+2Full Blender case)
3. Pablo from Caran D' Ache (120 metal case)

Normale they are very expensive, but the seller give me a great option, to buy pencils with points... Here in Switzerland we have a big company, called COOP and you can buy a lot of thinks. It is one of our supermarkets here and there I can collect points at every purchase... Normally I don't know what I sell for this points and so I have enough for two pencil collections, the third I paid. 
But not least I get all three collection for a super price, isn't it great :)

Alyce sent im month May a beautiful course with mermaids and I have to try all kind from the pencils. Normally I color with my Prisma's, but this month I color with my new collections.

this is the result:

Thanks so much for visit my post :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, those are SO beautiful Ute! We will have to colour together when I come visit you next month! x, D

  2. Wow.... Aber ich kann Deinen Mann ja schon verstehen, der arme Kerl :-D
    Deine Colorierkünste sind schlicht weg der Hammer! Egal mit welchem Stiften (hab ja auch einige Originale hier *schwärm* Unterschiede erkennt man, aber ich kann Dir nicht sagen, welches Ergebnis mir am besten gefällt. Einzig den direkten Vergleich zu den Prismas vermisse ich. Wobei diese Stifte eine total andere Art sind, oder?
    Welche sind Die denn jetzt am liebsten?
    GLG und ich freu mich auf weitere Kunstwerke ;-)
